Plant the seeds for healthy habits with Gaia Herbs!

Join us throughout February to grow your wellbeing through intentional action to support your wellness goals this year – and enter to win a trip to the Gaia Herbs Farm!

Gaia Herbs Stress Support

The Challenge

At Gaia Herbs, we believe that small habits have a major impact on wellbeing – that's why we’ve created this challenge to invite you to grow with us this year. Here’s how it works:

STEP 1: Focus on where you want to grow.
Pick one small habit you want to adopt to benefit your life and stick to it for the month of February. Keep scrolling to find out how we’re approaching this challenge at Gaia Herbs (and find inspiration for your own goals).

STEP 2: Consistency is key.
Change doesn’t need to be grand and sweeping – it needs to be consistent. By focusing on something small, you can create a sustainable foundation for your wellness goals.

STEP 3: Discover the Challenge on Instagram.
Follow along with us and our partners as we provide tips and tricks to help you stick to your goals and grow with Gaia Herbs.

Follow Us For Wellness Tips

STEP 4: Enter to Win a Trip to the Gaia Herbs Farm.
Not only do you start new healthy habits, but you could win a trip for two to the Gaia Herbs Farm! Check out the rules, regulations, and how to enter on our sweepstakes page.


It’s essential to devote some time to yourself and your mental well being. This means setting aside a few minutes a day to adopt small practices that may help you manage stress.

Products We Love for Mindfulness:

Gaia Herbs Men


Nutrition is a core principle of a healthy body and mind. Small daily habits and lifestyle changes can support your goal of having a healthy and harmonious relationship with how you fuel your body.

Products We Love for Nutrition:


If you’re aiming to improve your physical or mental wellbeing, adopting new movement routines could go a long way in helping you reach your goals! You don’t need to commit to running miles or hitting the gym every day, and you don’t need to dedicate hours each week to adjusting your approach to movement.

Products We Love for Movement:

Grow With Gaia Herbs

At Gaia Herbs, we believe that small habits have a major impact on wellbeing - that's why we've created this challenge to invite you to grow with us this year.