Mushrooms and mushroom supplements are more in demand than ever. For good reason: Not only do mushrooms make delicious and...
A healthy gut paves the way for a healthy body. You may already be familiar with how probiotics can support...
A few herbs have rightly earned a reputation for supporting men's health and well-being. Saw Palmetto is one of them.*...
Choosing to have a baby is a big step, one that sometimes presents challenges. When it comes to your reproductive...
Your summer schedule is adventure-packed. When you need to cool down but keep your energy levels up for all that...
Your gallbladder and liver—two intimately connected organs—form a complex system that has all sorts of jobs in your body. Caring...
Do you abide by the mantra: “A life well traveled is a life well lived”? Getting away from home and...
When it comes to men’s health, there are many important aspects to consider: prostate health, libido, fertility, and heart and...
Your brain is constantly on—processing, analyzing, deciding, reacting—and it needs support to function at its best.* Whether you want to...
In a stressful and fast-paced world, self-care is an essential aspect of managing stress and safeguarding your health and well-being—both...
With insight from Susan Hirsch, MS, CNS, Gaia Herbs Formulation Manager There’s a lot of talk about Turmeric lately. For...
You’ve probably heard some buzz about adrenal health lately, but do you know why it’s important to have healthy adrenals—or...